
Use Our Calculator on Your Site

You can let your users access our popup calculator from your site - it's free and it's fast. Click on this link to see how it works:

Moneychimp Calculator

To obtain the calculator, just choose the default mode you want it to display when it comes up:

and then copy and paste this code into your web page:

(The easy way to get the code:
  1. Click Here to highlight the code;

  2. Choose Edit / Copy from your browser's menu to copy the code to the clipboard;

  3. Choose Edit / Paste from your HTML editor's menu to paste the code into your web page.)

Note: during the Paste, make sure your editor is in HTML mode, rather than "visual" or "wysiwyg" mode, or it's liable to break the link. Your editor should be displaying the link as raw code, like the code in the box above, rather than as the finished link your users will see on your site.







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