(Start Here!)
Basic concepts everyone needs to know, from compound interest to the stock market.
Why index investing makes sense...
What indexes and index funds are...
How to build a simple portfolio...
...and a tiny list of index funds and ETFs.
Tax Calculator ...
Capital Gains Calculator
Payroll Tax Calculator (Social Security and Medicare)
Tax Brackets
Roth IRA basics,
income and contribution limits,
investment suggestions,
and a Roth IRA calculator.
401(k) Calculator
Tax-efficient investing
Financial Statements: the Big Picture.
Learn volatility basics;
plan your life with a Monte Carlo calculator.
Intro to
Modern Portfolio Theory:
understand diversification and the Efficient Frontier,
find a portfolio with the maximum Sharpe Ratio;
why index funds are theoretically optimal.
Global InterChimp Network...
Learn the logic of stock valuation
with a discounted cash flows calculator...
plus P/E, P/S and PEG ratios, CAPM, DDM ... Buffett's secret formula (?)
... and a Grahamatron with Artificial Ben-telligence.
Plus: Making Stock Market Predictions
Confused by the economy?
Try the guide to Economic Indicators;
trace the components of the Gross Domestic Product;
learn the twisty little logic of Government Spending and Tax Cuts;
use an Inflation Calculator.
Plus: compound interest calculator, more...
Does Dollar Cost Averaging make volatility "work for you"?
Do Fibonacci Numbers predict stock prices?
Is the January Effect for real?
Eggheads & germs, commies & vampires; Pols in space; How rich would Elvis be?
The Rule of 72
How to estimate compound interest, and why the estimate works.
Stock market CAGR-lator
Long-term stock market returns.
Inflation Calculator
Investment Return Calculator
Totally Unrelated Diversions