CAGR Explained
Compound Interest Explained
Savings Calculator
401(k) Calculator
Investment Returns Calculator
Simple Interest Calculator
Credit Card Payment Calculator
Does Dollar Cost Averaging make volatility "work for you"?
Do Fibonacci Numbers predict stock prices?
Do you know which months are worst in the stock market?
(And is the January Effect for real?)
Some stock tips from Karl Marx.
The Rule of 72:
How to estimate compound interest, and why the estimate works.
The CAGR of the Market:
Compound annual growth rate of the S&P 500.
Tax Calculator
Federal Tax Brackets (and simple tax calculator)
Capital Gains Tax Calculator
Social Security and Medicare Tax Calculator
Sales Tax Calculator
What is Monte Carlo planning?
What's the logic behind the PEG Ratio?
What exactly are beta, alpha, and r-squared all about?
How do index funds work?
(And what's the difference between "growth" and "value"?)
Inflation Calculator:
Future value in today's dollars.
Plus: full screen Glossary and Calculator.